Tattoo Removal
What types of tattoos can be removed?
Tattoos can be described as decorative, traumatic or cosmetic (e.g. eyebrow tattoos). Decorative tattoos are often done by professional tattoo artists. These are brightly coloured and sharply outlined. Traumatic tattoos result from external debris deposited accidentally into the skin, for example road asphalt from a skidding accident, or implanted pencil lead. Cosmetic tattoos such as eyebrow tattoos are very common among women. Eyebrow tattoos are removed because they turn a greenish hue after many years or sometimes, the eyebrow outline or shape is not desirable.
What is the treatment for removing tattoos?
Pigment lasers (Q switched NdYAG laser, Pico laser) are the safest method of removing tattoos today. The anaesthetic (numbing) cream is first applied over the tattoo and left on for 30 minutes before the laser. The time required for the laser is around 5-20 minutes depending on the size of the tattoo. The skin takes about 3-5 days for healing. Usually multiple sessions are required at 2 monthly intervals. The number of treatments depend on the colours of the tattoo and the depth and density of the pigment.